
May 2018 Board Meeting

The GWR 5 plank wagon as it may look when restored A very good, forward looking atmosphere in the Boardroom on Saturday as we worked through a number of very positive developments. Top of the priority list is the planning application to Stroud District Council for permission to build platforms at Berkeley and Newtown. We had hoped we could get away with calling them a rebuild of an existing structure, thus avoiding Planning Permission but SDC, probably quite rightly, to be honest, insisted they were a lot more than a rebuild so we need to submit plans and we have set ourselves the ambitious target of doing this by 31st July. We have been held back here by the lack of an architectural draughtsperson prepared to do the drawing work pro bono but regular member Andrew Perrin, who came from Portsmouth specially for the meeting, is a surveyor by trade so he was able to give us some strong pointers as to how to go about the job. So it is being left to him to work with Paul Colechin, o

Report of March 2018 VoBR Trust Board Meeting

Hello Everyone This is the first blog about the activities of the Trust Board of the Vale of Berkeley Railway Charitable Trust .  The intention is to fill a hole in how we as a railway communicate with people out there who are interested in our progress to reopen the Sharpness Branch Line by explaining regularly the Trust Board's activities, its thinking and what it has decided recently.   Everyone knows that we are now a charity which has freed us up to get on with building the railway and the job of the Trust Board is to get on with sorting out the organisational issues that we need to deal with, if we are to have an operating railway. We still hope this can be achieved by 2020 so there is  a lot to do. In 2018, it is all about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY and how we get it!  Yes, there are many other things we have to keep an eye on but we are now focussing firmly on how to raise probably £200K which is the guestimate for what it will cost to provide the basic infrastructure to run